Message from Father Jolly (Parish Priest)

The God we believe in is a community of three persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The oneness of the HOLY TRINITY is formed in the eternal process of self-gifting to each other. Through this very process of self-gifting a community is born. Thus community happens through the process of communication. In communication, we find love and things become common. Throughthis communication, We enter into inter-personal relationships. As a Parish community let us strive to model the Holv Trinity in our efforts to establish communion with hearts, minds and lives. Communion is sharing oneself with the other. Our communion with others is our way to have communion with God. Through our communion with each other as a parish community, we may enter into a deeper communion with God and become a true believing body of Jesus Christ., which we celebrate at every Eucharist

FR. Jolly Chacko, MS